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Creating Your Clinic's Marketing Guide

Table of Contents

Marketing Basics

Before we start getting into the techniques of online marketing, you need to know what you’re going to say about your business. This falls into 3 categories which are all intertwined:

  • Keywords: knowing what Google searches you want to target
  • USPs: highlighting the benefits of coming to you and what your clinic has to offer
  • Positioning: understanding where you are in the market relative to other clinics

At MYCO when we start working with a new client we create a marketing guide for that clinic (which we refer to internally as the “hymn sheet”), which is a reference for anyone on the team to use when marketing that clinic. You should create the same for your clinic. You will always need words, text and information about your business, whether it’s for your website, a business listing, Google Ad campaign, your Facebook account or anything else. Having researched it properly and written it down saves you time, means you have consistency in your marketing, are targeting the right SEO terms and making the most of any marketing you do.

Your Clinic Marketing Guide

Your clinic marketing guide should contain these things. We’ll look at how to create them in the following sections.

  • Primary optimisations – the most important terms you want to say. These will normally be your service and location e.g. Dentist Coventry
  • Secondary optimisations – other terms you would like to hit. Typically secondary services around what you do and secondary locations you’d like to hit. E.g. cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening, teeth straightening, invisalign, emergency dentist, towns around Coventry e.g. Finham, Beginton, Stoneleigh.
  • USPs – selling points of your clinic e.g. peaceful location, experienced practitioners, easy online booking, free parking, online booking / personal booking
  • Positioning information – this sets you relative to other clinics and we look at it in terms of a scale e.g. on price we charge more that 80% of other clinics. On generalist to specialist we are 100% generalist. On service quality we deliver more than 90% of other clinics, etc.
  • Few words description e.g. Dentist in Coventry.
  • Short description e.g. Dentist in Coventry offering general dentistry, tooth whitening, tooth straightening, cosmetic dentistry, Invisalign. Easy to get to from Finham, Beginton and Stoneleigh. Experienced practitioners and easy online booking.
  • Elevator pitch e.g. We are a dental clinic in Coventry offering a range of dental treatments including general dentistry, tooth whitening, tooth straightening, Invisalign, emergency treatment and much more. We are easily accessible from the neighbouring towns of Finham, Beginton and Stoneleigh and offer quality treatment from highly experienced practitioners in a peaceful and relaxed setting. Nervous patients are very welcome. Book now with our simple online booking system.

Once you have researched your keywords, USPs and positioning, creating descriptions and an elevator pitch will be simple, as you’ll know what words you want to use and what it is you want to say.

Once you have done this exercise, you will always know what to say about your clinic, and will be able to pass it on to anyone else who does any marketing for you, ensuring consistency across your brand and across the internet (very important for Google).

Your marketing guide is what we call a “dynamic document”. You should review it from time to time and add any changes or adaptations that come about in the course of your marketing. For example, if you hire a social media person and you have to clarify your messaging with them, be sure to update your marketing guide so everyone gets it right first time in future.

Want to Know More?

If you have more questions about SEO, we’ll be happy to help. Feel free to reach out, come and ask a question in Free Webinar Friday, or book a free strategy call.

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